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View Components

Nitro provides first-class support for creating React Native Views.

Such views can be rendered within React Native apps using Fabric, and are backed by a C++ ShadowNode. The key difference to a Fabric view is that it uses Nitro for prop parsing, which is more lightweight, performant and flexible.


Nitro Views require react-native 0.78.0 or higher, and require the new architecture.

Create a Nitro View

1. Declaration

To create a new Nitro View, declare it's props and methods in a *.nitro.ts file, and create a type that specializes HybridView<P, M> - here CameraView:

import type { HybridView, HybridViewProps, HybridViewMethods } from 'react-native-nitro-modules'

export interface CameraProps extends HybridViewProps {
enableFlash: boolean
export interface CameraMethods extends HybridViewMethods { }

export type CameraView = HybridView<CameraProps, CameraMethods>

2. Code Generation

Then, run nitrogen:

npx nitro-codegen

This will create a C++ ShadowNode, with an iOS (Swift) and Android (Kotlin) interface, just like any other Hybrid Object. Additionally, a view config (CameraViewConfig.json) will be generated - this is required by Fabric.

3. Implementation

Now it's time to implement the View - simply create a new Swift/Kotlin class/file, extend from HybridCameraViewSpec and implement your .enableFlash property, as well as the common .view accessor:

class HybridCameraView : HybridCameraViewSpec {
// Props
var enableFlash: Bool = false

// View
var view: UIView = UIView()

Just like any other Hybrid Object, add the Hybrid View to your nitro.json's autolinking configuration:

// ...
"autolinking": {
"CameraView": {
"swift": "HybridCameraView",
"kotlin": "HybridCameraView"

Now run nitrogen again.

5. Initialization

Then, to use the view in JavaScript, use getHostComponent(..):

import { getHostComponent } from 'react-native-nitro-modules'
import CameraViewConfig from '../nitrogen/generated/shared/json/CameraViewConfig.json'

export const Camera = getHostComponent<CameraProps, CameraMethods>(
() => CameraViewConfig

6. Rendering

And finally, render it:

function App() {
return <Camera enableFlash={true} />


Since every HybridView is also a HybridObject, you can use any type that Nitro supports as a property - including custom types (interface), ArrayBuffer, and even other HybridObjects!

For example, a custom <ImageView> component can be used to render custom Image types:

export interface Image extends HybridObject {
readonly width: number
readonly height: number
save(): Promise<string>
import { type Image } from './Image.nitro.ts'
export interface ImageProps extends HybridViewProps {
image: Image
export type ImageView = HybridView<ImageProps>


function App() {
const image = await loadImage('https://...')
return <ImageView image={image} />


Since Nitro bridges props directly to JS, you are responsible for ensuring thread-safety.

  • If props are set normally via React, they will be set on the UI Thread.
  • If the user sets props on the view hybridRef (e.g. also if the HybridView is passed to a HybridObject in native), props could be set on a different Thread, like the JS Thread.

Before/After update

To batch prop changes, you can override beforeUpdate() and afterUpdate() in your views:

class HybridCameraView : HybridCameraViewSpec {
// View
var view: UIView = UIView()

func beforeUpdate() { }
func afterUpdate() { }

Callbacks have to be wrapped

Whereas Nitro allows passing JS functions to native code directly, React Native core doesn't allow that. Instead, functions are wrapped in an event listener registry, and a simple boolean is passed to the native side. Unfortunately React Native's renderer does not allow changing this behaviour, so functions cannot be passed directly to Nitro Views. As a workaround, Nitro requires you to wrap each function in an object, which bypasses React Native's conversion.

So every function (() => void) has to be wrapped in an object with one key - f - which holds the function: { f: () => void }

export interface CameraProps extends HybridViewProps {
onCaptured: (image: Image) => void
export type CameraView = HybridView<CameraProps>

function App() {
return <Camera onCaptured={(i) => console.log(i)} />
return <Camera onCaptured={{ f: (i) => console.log(i) }} />

We are working on a fix here: facebook/react #32119


Since every HybridView is also a HybridObject, methods can be directly called on the object. Assuming our <Camera> component has a takePhoto() function like so:

export interface CameraProps extends HybridViewProps { ... }
export interface CameraMethods extends HybridViewMethods {
takePhoto(): Promise<Image>

export type CameraView = HybridView<CameraProps, CameraMethods>

To call the function, you would need to get a reference to the HybridObject first using hybridRef:

function App() {
return (
f: (ref) => {
const image = ref.takePhoto()

Note: If you're wondering about the { f: ... } syntax, see "Callbacks have to be wrapped".

The ref from within hybridRef's callback is pointing to the HybridObject directly - you can also pass this around freely.