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Configuration (nitro.json)

Nitrogen requires a nitro.json file to be configured at the root of each Nitro Module.

"$schema": "",
"cxxNamespace": ["$$cxxNamespace$$"],
"ios": {
"iosModuleName": "$$iosModuleName$$"
"android": {
"androidNamespace": ["$$androidNamespace$$"],
"androidCxxLibName": "$$androidCxxLibName$$"
"autolinking": {},
"ignorePaths": ["**/node_modules"],
"createGitAttributes": true

Nitrogen parses this file with Zod, see NitroUserConfig.ts for more information.


The cxxNamespace is the C++ namespace that all C++ specs will be generated in. It is always relative to margelo::nitro, and can also have multiple sub-namespaces:

"cxxNamespace": ["math", "extra"]
namespace margelo::nitro::math::extra {
// ...generated classes


Settings specifically for the iOS platform.


The iosModuleName represents the name of the clang module that will be emitted by the Swift compiler. When this Nitro Module is a CocoaPod, this is the same thing as the $$iosModuleName$$.podspec's name:

"ios": {
"iosModuleName": "NitroMath"
NitroMath.podspec do |s| = "NitroMath"
# ...


Settings specifically for the Android platform.


The androidNamespace represents the package namespace in which all Java/Kotlin files are generated and written in. Similar to the cxxNamespace, this is always relative to margelo.nitro, and can also have multiple sub-namespaces.

In most cases, you should keep this in sync with the namespace specified in your build.gradle.

"android": {
"androidNamespace": ["math", "extra"]
package com.margelo.nitro.image

// ...


The androidCxxLibName represents the name of the native C++ library that JNI will load to connect Java/Kotlin to C++.

When this Nitro Module is using CMake, this is the same thing as the library defined in CMakeLists.txt. Nitro will load this library at runtime using System.loadLibrary.

"android": {
"androidCxxLibName": "NitroMath"
add_library(NitroMath SHARED


Contains configuration for all Hybrid Objects that should be autolinked by Nitrogen.

All Hybrid Objects specified here must follow these requirements:

  • They must be default-constructible. That means they need a public constructor that takes zero arguments. If you have a Hybrid Object that is not default-constructible (e.g. Image needs a path or url argument), consider creating a factory Hybrid Object that can initialize instances of your Hybrid Object internally.
  • C++ Hybrid Objects must be declared in a file that has the same name as the Hybrid Object (for HybridMath, create HybridMath.hpp).
  • C++ Hybrid Objects must be scoped in the namespace specified in cxxNamespace.
  • Kotlin Hybrid Objects must be inside the package namespace specified in androidNamespace.
  • Kotlin Hybrid Objects should be annotated with @DoNotStrip to prevent them from being compiled out when using ProGuard.

Nitrogen will then generate the following code:

"autolinking": {
"Math": {
"cpp": "HybridMath"
[]() -> std::shared_ptr<HybridObject> {
return std::make_shared<HybridMath>();

Here, the Hybrid Object "Math" is autolinked to create an instance of HybridMath, a C++ class. Instead of cpp, you can also use swift or kotlin.


Configures the TypeScript parser to ignore specific given paths when looking for *.nitro.ts specs.

By default, this is empty ([]), but it can be set to ignore paths like ["node_modules", "lib"].


Configures whether a .gitattributes file will be generated in the nitrogen/generated/ directory to mark files as linguist-generated for GitHub.